Jen Oshman

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Here's An Idea For Your Summertime Bible Study

For a number of reasons women are intimidated by reading the Bible alone and we often default to reading other women's studies of the Word--we're scared we might get it wrong (or lazy?!), so we read books about the Bible rather than mining the Word for ourselves. 

Redemption Parker's women's Bible study will be on a break this summer, as will most group studies around the country, I am sure. I am strongly encouraging the ladies in my study to take this time off of group study to dig into the Word themselves. In preparation for that, we all read Jen Wilkin's book Women of the Word (which I reviewed here). 

We got together and discussed Wilkin's principles for Bible study and then made ourselves the little booklets pictured below. I'm sharing them here so you can replicate this idea for your own edification and encouragement, if you'd like. If possible, read Wilkin's book first (you can also listen to it for FREE on Hoopla!) and then create your own handy notecard booklet. 

We're starting out by using the booklets together for the next three weeks. Then, when our group time is over, we will place these in our Bibles and they will be available to us all summer long to guide us in solid, practical, reliable Bible study. Now we have no excuses! I hope to actually setup a text stream or something like it to give all the gals a place to share with one another what they're learning--on their own--along the way. Hopefully that sharing will spur us each on and we will be not only informed, but transformed, by the Word in some meaningful ways by the end of the summer. 

PS: You'll have to excuse the very homemade, craftsy nature of my cards. I know, I know, graphics would have been better! But anyone can grab a marker and paper and make one of their own--no seminary degree or fancy DVD teacher required.