Jen Oshman

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Global Hunger and Community Farming

Hunger feels like a problem elsewhere around the globe rather than right here in the United States. But did you know 12 million children currently live in households facing food insecurity in our nation? I recently joined my friend Mallory Brown on a trip to Tennessee where her organization Convoy of Hope is seeking to encourage care for both creation and communities through backyard farming. My two besties, Sandie and Lauren (who are already doing the good work of community farming and caring for people through agricultural endeavors!), got to come with and we soaked up the sun and strawberries and all the green that Tennessee has to offer.

Always on the lookout for how current events and trends can be understood through a Christian lens, I recorded an All Things episode while we were there. If you tune into episode 84, you’ll hear my conversation with Agricultural Advocate and Soil Scientist Dr. Jason Streubel, who serves as the Senior Director for Agriculture and Food Security at Convoy. We talk about the potential for looming food shortages here in the US and the joy of caring for our creation and communities through backyard farms.

The trip and podcast have inspired my family to start digging the dirt and growing some of what we eat. It’s been a gift and challenge and we hope a lifelong process!

(Originally posted on social media on May 9, 2022).