Jen Oshman

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Show a little love

I hate to let a holiday go by and not take advantage of it.  Each one provides an easy platform from which to connect with other people.  Easter is a chance to give your neighbors a basket and share the truth of the Resurrection.  Christmas is a great time to point to the birth of our Savior with a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake.  Valentine's Day is no different and a great chance, I think, to spread a little love. 

Valentine's Day is not celebrated much here.  I've asked all of the Czech moms I know what their kids' schools do on February 14th.  Nothing, was pretty much the unanimous answer.  Also that it's a holiday invented by advertisers and only for lovers.  Sounds about right.  I almost let it go.

But I decided earlier today that it's always good to take advantage of an opportunity to share a little love.  Why pass up the chance to show love to my kids' teachers and classmates?  They've surely shown a ton of love to my kids.  I baked dozens of cookies while the kids were at school and then they helped me ice them this afternoon.  I'll deliver them to the teachers when I drop them off tomorrow morning.  There are no scripture fortune cookie strips hiding inside, nor any subliminal bible messages hiding in the sprinkles.  But I did pray for each kid and teacher while I baked and asked the Lord to show them that He loves them and so do we.  

Happy Valentine's Day from Central Europe! 

"Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love," 1 John 4:8