Episode 47: The Election is in Two Weeks: How Should We Vote?

There are so many voices weighing in on this right now. And for good reason. It’s a contentious season, we are a divided nation, and Christians want to genuinely make the right choices. As the nation rages, there are some distinctly Christian ways for followers of Jesus to participate in the election. Spoiler alert: I won’t tell you who to vote for or who I’m voting for but I will remind you and me of some things that are eternally true and what’s required of us in the days ahead.

The following resources were helpful to me in preparing for this episode:

Free Audiobook: How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?


Russell Moore: A Conversation with Makoto Fujimura on Art and Beauty


Prophetic Politics: The Christian Conscience and Political Choices 


Pastor Writer Podcast: Eugene Cho and A Christian's Guide to Engaging Politics


Gospel-Bound: David Platt’s Plea Before You Vote
