Episode 73: Navigating Social Media with our Teens: A Conversation Between Mark and Jen Oshman

Teens consume nine hours of entertainment media a day and tweens consume six (this does not include education-related content), according to Common Sense Media. As parents we don’t have a choice but to get in the game and help our kids navigate life online. But how do we do that? It can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. On this episode of All Things my husband joins me and we share a conversation about how we have been navigating social media with our teen daughters. We share the spiritual and everyday—the philosophical all the way to the practical. We hope the conversation serves you well as you seek to help your kids along the way.

Navigating Social Media with Teens & Tweens - by Jen Oshman at RisenMotherhood

The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Teens and Tweens

The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch

12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You - by Tony Reinke