Episode 50: What's Going On Behind the Uighur Genocide?

The news is full of eye witness accounts and survivors’ testimonies of torture inside Uighur “reeducation” camps in Xinjiang, China. Last month the BBC released especially gruesome details of the extent of the human rights violations there. The US, Canada, and the Netherlands have called the actions “genocide.” On this episode of All Things I take a deep dive into understanding who the Uighurs are, the bigger picture behind why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is committing such heinous acts, and what the CCP’s goals are for cultural homogeneity and global domination. It becomes very personal as we come to terms with the reality that our insatiable appetite for consumer goods has played a role in the sinister cycle of human rights violations. Corporations like Disney, the NBA, and Apple all have a role too—not to mention the Olympics, which are slated to be in Beijing in Winter 2022. The world must act. What can be done?

The following resources were used in the creation of this episode:

Ask Your Congressperson to Support the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

The Dispatch Podcast: China and the Uighur Genocide

BBC The Real Story Podcast: Is China erasing Uighur culture?

The Capitol Conversations Podcast: A Deep Dive on the US China Relationship with Micheal Sobolik

BBC News: 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape

The New York Times: Disney Wanted to Make a Splash in China With ‘Mulan.’ It Stumbled Instead.

World Magazine: Beijing’s Olympic reckoning?

Uyghur Human Rights Project: What You Can Do

CNet: Apple, like Coca-Cola and Nike, is lobbying on China forced-labor bill in Congress

Forbes: What China Is Really Up To In Africa

Generous Justice Sermon by Tim Keller