Cultural Counterfeits wins a 2022 TGC Book Award!

Friends! Cultural Counterfeits received The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Award of Distinction for Public Theology & Current Events. What an unexpected thrill!

Here’s what the judges had to say about it: “In Cultural Counterfeits, Jen Oshman tackles some of the most pressing issues of our day with gospel-centered truth, grace, and clarity. By rooting her discussion of these issues with a firm foundation in God’s Word, she aids us in critically thinking through five empty promises of our age. She boldly helps readers navigate the issues of cheap sex, abortion, body idolatry, LGBT+ issues, and marriage and motherhood. Oshman casts a beautiful vision for biblical womanhood and reveals how to honor God’s calling for women. The good news she points us to is that every woman—regardless of age or season of life—can love God, love her neighbor, and advance human flourishing.”

TGC gave awards to two books in 12 different categories and I am honestly speechless to sit amongst the 23 other gifted authors who have been awarded this year.

Three thoughts immediately came to mind this morning when I woke up to this good news:

First: It takes a village to write a book. I have often thought to myself, “to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). I have been given a very good village. My husband encourages me every day to write, speak, and serve in the ways God has called me. He does all he can to equip me and send me out. My kids are terrific cheerleaders and (for this book especially) they sit through dinner table conversations where we hash out theology and current events all the time. My church family prays for me, edits rough drafts for me, and slogs through hard conversations with me to help me think more deeply and write more effectively. I have the dearest of friends who bring me snacks and coffee and send hilarious texts when I think I can’t go on. This book—and all I do—is the work of a village.

Second: Who am I that God would use me? I’m a mom in Parker, Colorado. The majority of the authors on this list have multiple advanced degrees and truly gifted minds. Dr. Chris Watkins, who won the category for which I received the Award of Distinction, is a PhD from University of Cambridge, a senior lecturer in French studies, and a scholar of modern and contemporary European thought, atheism, and the relationship between the Bible and philosophy. And here I am, going back to seminary for the second time, because I didn’t finish the first time around because I started having babies and we moved overseas to be missionaries. I love God’s word, I love to study culture, and I love to talk about where the two meet. But my credentials are nil. God will use whom he will use (Exodus 4:11-12). All glory to him alone that my words have been found helpful to others. It makes no worldly sense.

Third: It’s worth it to take big risks to honor God and serve others. Writing Cultural Counterfeits was risky. Just take a look at the Table of Contents if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Contrasting God’s goodness, truth, and beauty with the hollow idols of our age meant poking camps on both the left and the right. I’ve lost sleep worrying about how my book might offend my loved ones who don’t yet follow Jesus. And I’ve endured many cheap shots from inside the church (from well-known and well-platformed names on the far right), taken by those unwilling to read beyond a headline or engage in real dialogue with a sister in the faith. I knew it was risky when I wrote it, but I believed it would be worth it. It was. It is. Spilling ink on God’s grace and truth always is. Where else would we go? What else would we write? Jesus alone has the words of life (John 6:68).

So, a huge thanks to you who have read the book and you who are interested in taking a peek. If it has served you well, all praise to our God in heaven who stopped at nothing to make us his own.

If you want to learn more about Cultural Counterfeits, these podcast conversations were especially fruitful. I hear from listeners of these episodes often and I’m so glad!

Daily Grace Co: Five Empty Promises of our Culture with Jen Oshman

Journeywomen Podcast: Recognizing Counterfeit Loves with Jen Oshman

Thinking Biblically with Sean McDowell: Cultural Counterfeits with Jen Oshman

Reading Cultural Counterfeits with others is especially helpful, as the book goes through such pressing current events and trends. It’s good to hear what others think and discuss together how to apply God’s Word to this cultural moment. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and I made a leader’s resource guide for you. Don’t miss it!

Finally, let me know what you think. Adding a review or rating on Amazon or Goodreads is so helpful. Or leave a comment here. Or reach me by email. It’s an honor to interact with readers!

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